238 total news stories found.
2014-10-13 | Rockville lawyer Stuart L. Plotnick will be representing victim "Jane Doe" in the Wesleyan Lacrosse Rape Case
2014-09-11 | Ms. Wilkinson passionately serves those who served their country.
2014-08-12 | Victoria Lemke is an award-winning leader and role model for others in the Air Force.
2014-07-07 | So many needs...how do you choose?
2014-06-24 | John Hickey, founder of Hickey Law Firm, P.A. notes an increase in cruise ship sexual assault cases in the news.
2014-01-07 | Multifamily housing in California will see big changes throughout 2014 and 2015.
2013-09-10 | Sponsored by the Arizona Association for Justice/Arizona Trial Lawyers Association, the conference is being held immediately following the National Crime Victim Bar Association's "Civil Actions for Criminal Acts" conference.
2013-08-28 | ePanic Button Infographic shows workplace violence injuries far outnumber homicides.
2013-07-30 | Arizona Crime Victim Attorney, Law Office of Sara J. Powell recently co-sponsored the Arizona Victim Assistance Academy, which provides crime victim advocates with the opportunity to interact with victim service providers from around the state.
2013-07-25 | Sara J. Powell to speak at an event created to help those who have suffered from abuse find safety and empowerment through peer support and education.
2013-04-19 | The training will be conducted from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (MST) at the Nina Mason Pulliam Conference Center, 5025 East Washington Street in Phoenix, Arizona 85034.
2013-03-15 | Sponsored by the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers nonprofit organization and billed as the "Mother of all Walks," the event will be held at the Phoenix Zoo, 455 North Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, Arizona 85008.
2013-03-08 | The seminar will be conducted from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (MST) at the Sierra Vista Police Department, 911 North Coronado Drive, Sierra Vista, Arizona.
2013-02-12 | 18th annual Valley of the Sun Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children Fundraiser Auction and Dinner to be held February 22, 2013 in Phoenix, Arizona
2012-10-28 | Child sexual abuse is reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
2012-06-13 | Federal jury awards $8.7 million to 20 year old Kenny Bryan over claims that he was sexually assaulted by a 14-year-old foster teen living in his adoptive parents' home.
2012-04-20 | At least one in six men has experienced unwanted or abusive sexual experiences before the age of sixteen.
2011-06-11 | Anago Cleaning Systems announced its support of the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or RAINN. Anago's employees contributed to this worthwhile charity, and the company matched the donation of its employees.
2011-05-26 | The Sexual Assault & Mental Health Project of the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) sponsors the "Breath~Body~Mind: Empowering the Healer and Client" workshop at Beltrone Living Center taught by PTSD experts.
2011-03-03 | Women's Voices from the Muslim World: A Short-Film Festival Opening Night honors "Women Warriors" Lara Logan, Neda Agha-Soltan and Roxana Saberi at the Los Angeles Film School. Evening includes charity auction featuring the work of Shepard Fairey.