285 total news stories found.
2009-06-22 | A self-help technique called guided imagery has been steadily gaining in popularity and mainstream distribution by hospitals, pharmas and insurance companies, as new research demonstrates its efficacy for producing heightened immune cell activity.
2009-05-29 | Though we are approaching the eighth anniversary of 9/11, many New Yorkers are still dealing with the events of that day in the form of health problems.
2007-03-15 | The failure to recognize PTSD as a neurological rather than a psychological illness continues to plague military medicine and to underserve many of its most troubled veterans. The role of brain-damaging stealth adapted viruses in individuals with PTSD needs to be explored.
2004-12-14 | The life-defining experience of serving in WWII provides the basis for Georgiann Baldino’s novel, The Nursing Home Fugitive.
2004-12-12 | Mike W. Bagley is a Vietnam veteran whose inspirational poems show pain and peace coexisting. The Conflict Within reveals the author's inner journey, his pain and healing.