10000 total news stories found.
2024-11-18 | AvionTEq Highlights Advanced Avionics Solutions, Exclusive Deals, and Upcoming Tradeshows
2024-11-18 | Experience three intimate "Salon Concerts" with top classical artists and "Meet the Concertmasters" of the acclaimed Mainly Mozart All-Star Orchestra Festival
2024-11-18 | Securiport Showcases Innovation and Leadership at IBMATA Asia Summit in Manila
2024-11-17 | Spend $1,500 or more on jewelry this Black Friday in their Chicagoland jewelry stores and receive an iPad at no additional cost.
2024-11-16 | On the 15th of November, Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Shincheonji) held a protest rally near the Gyeonggi Provincial Government building, South Korea with around 25,000 people, including its members, in attendance.
2024-11-16 | RSVP to attend their November 21st sale with incredible savings on jewelry at all seventeen of their jewelry stores.
2024-11-16 | Experience a multitude of jewelry designers to inspire your holiday shopping at Adlers Jewelers in their Westfield jewelry store November 23, 2024.
2024-11-15 | South Korean local government cancels international event with 30,000 participants from 78 countries, causing international damage
2024-11-15 | Rally Condemns Political and Structural Religious Oppression
2024-11-15 | Shincheonji Church of Jesus Chairman Man-hee Lee comments on unilateral cancellation of rentals.
2024-11-15 | A total of 111,628 graduates (including 3,377 pastors) broke the record for the largest single denomination graduation in history. The event was held at Shincheonji Cheongju Church on Oct. 30th.
2024-11-15 | Over 1,000 religious leaders from 57 countries completed two-day, one-night scripture exchange program. The 'Book of Revelation Speech' by religious leaders from Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism attracts attention.
2024-11-15 | Scott Thomas Carmichael, MBA, is a seasoned expert in banking, financial analysis and strategic business growth
2024-11-14 | The Mad Hatter Holiday Festival attracts thousands of people to the historic downtown district of Vallejo with its creative lighted and fire shooting Wonderland recreations that turns the city into a fantasy world for children and adults alike.
2024-11-14 | The 1st Korea International AI Film Festival (K-AIFF) took place on October 25 at KINTEX in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, under the theme "New Opportunities Presented by AI." With 2,067 entries from 104 countries, the event featured 26 films as finalists.
2024-11-14 | - Overseas Korean Unification Event held successfully in Leipzig, Germany on November 9 - North Korean defector's live painting and barbed wire bracelets highlighting reality attracts attention
2024-11-14 | Matthew Ward Stringer has excelled in diverse professional contexts, including music and marketing
2024-11-14 | Alex Salas fosters collaboration and builds strong community partnerships as a leading human resources professional
2024-11-14 | Imagine having a complex debilitating syndrome that affects nearly every part of your body. Because it's invisible, and almost nobody has heard of it, you look like a hypochondriac. Now imagine having 3 such syndromes that exacerbate one another.
2024-11-14 | Kunkel is the president of Wordslinger Marketing & PR, primarily serving the nonprofit community