877 total news stories found.
2009-11-21 | Single women who did not receive the gift of an eligible bachelor for Christmas are invited to a seminar on "Meet Good Men in 2010" on the following evening, Saturday, December 26, 2009, at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco.
2009-11-16 | The Physician's Desk Reference shows that 85-90% of nutrients in liquid vitamin supplements are absorbed in 22 to 30 seconds.
2009-11-01 | Wild Models, Inc. is now a member of the exclusive Breakdown Services, Ltd. Network, the most comprehensive casting network to the Entertainment Industry.
2009-10-25 | Today the California Court of Appeals, "affirmed in full" a 2008 Superior Court decision and thus ruled that Superior Court Judge James Dunn had acted appropriately in tossing out Dr. Kwang Cha's lawsuit against Dr. Bruce Flamm.
2009-10-25 | Camfil Farr have been working closely with the Capital Projects team at Pfizer Global Research and Development, Sandwich, Kent, to help them realise significant savings on existing HVAC plant serving laboratory and R&D facilities on their 340-acre site.
2009-10-12 | New Poll Shows Single Males Date Cougars for their Money While Single Women Chase Younger Men to Make Themselves Feel Better About their Age
2009-10-02 | Soka University of America's fifth annual Peace Gala, "Celebrating a Vision of Peace," will take place on October 10, 2009.The evening will feature a cocktails, dinner, silent and live auctions and special guest appearances.
2009-09-30 | Jean Smart, Emmy Award winning Actress accepts board member position with the Chris Elliott Fund for Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Research. Her sister is a glioblastoma brain cancer survivor. This is the first time she will speak publicly about how glioblastoma has impacted her family.
2009-09-29 | "The Arabs Gone Wild" stand up comedy tour -which has played to sold out shows in the United States and Middle East -performs it's first show ever in Canada on Saturday, October 10 at the Gesu Theater in Montreal.
2009-09-15 | New Poll Results Show Single Males Love Powerful Women; Single Females Prefer Home Life to the Boardroom
2009-07-17 | This book titled Creating Balance in a World of STRESS, is the first book to distinguish six key habits to avoid in order to reduce stress. The habits that we so readily engage in to reduce stress can have contradictory affects on your body.
2009-07-15 | AllStar services all makes and models, foreign and domestic transmissions
2009-07-15 | Coaching services allows your technical paid staff and programmers to do the work and save on SEO/SEM costs
2009-07-11 | Stop bad canine behavior in two steps with "The Pet Convincer!"
2009-07-08 | iAscend has real talk with personal defense expert, Anny Jacoby, Owner and President of The Realistic Female Defense Company - Wednesday, July 8, 7:00 PM Pacific Time on 'Get the Hell Out' blogtalk radio.
2009-06-26 | Grove City Family Dentistry's Dr. Zimmerman will be recognized for her work with Invisalign by presenting at the annual Invisalign Summit conference.
2009-06-15 | Memoirs are still the hottest genre in the publishing industry, according to experts, so if you're asking, "How do I tell my story?" then you're in luck.
2009-06-12 | Convention Attendees and Sponsors Invited to Meet Three Stars Representatives in Orlando June 14th through 16th.
2009-05-16 | At Second Annual Pink Carpet Event The Palomita Education Fund Celebrates Creative Expression within the Latino Community
2009-05-15 | The new media revolution led by upstart Hulu is creating a new market for old TV shows and archival films. The additional rights needed to rebroadcast on the Web and handheld devices is also creating a scramble for a piece of the profits.