1986 total news stories found.
2024-07-11 | Mike Bazar Appointed To Chief Revenue Officer
2024-07-09 | Brad Mignone is lauded for his distinguished tenure and expertise in commercial construction
2024-07-09 | Following careers in engineering and professional athletics, Tyler Witt is now making an impact in the music industry
2024-07-08 | Tom Christian is recognized for his tenure in engineering as the founder of THIRSTY.horse Consulting LLC
2024-07-08 | Albert K. Chin, MD, has helped found five medical device startups
2024-07-02 | Tim Held noted for his success in spacecraft engineering as a mission chief engineer at BAE Systems
2024-07-01 | Nagesh Nama is recognized for his expertise in software validation services
2024-06-27 | Crete United, a leading provider of energy efficiency and HVAC, electrical, and other mechanical ("MEP") services, is pleased to announce its strategic alliance with Legacy Mechanical Services Inc., a leading provider of HVAC and plumbing solutions.
2024-06-27 | Carl Woodby is noted for his proficiency in bus maintenance procedures as a distinguished transit consultant
2024-06-27 | Rohit Puranik is a Senior Vice President and Head of Insurance at Tech Mahindra for the Americas market.
2024-06-25 | Jordan Robert Showalter is noted for his success as a passionate leader, driving innovation through empathetic team building, and strategic vision
2024-06-25 | Andrea M. Peters is an accomplished engineer and respected diversity advocate
2024-06-25 | Dr. William Cousins lends years of expertise to his work with Aerodynamic Technology Consulting, LLC
2024-06-17 | Travis Ellinger recognized for excellence in the manufacturing industry
2024-06-17 | Jeffery M. Lillywhite, Esq., is noted for his distinguished tenure in the legal services sector
2024-06-13 | Ji Young Kim, MS, is honored for his expertise in engineering through his work with Boeing
2024-06-13 | Vancouver, BC – with a hot spell just around the corner, now's the time to schedule air conditioning repair and maintenance in Vancouver.
2024-06-11 | Fatima El-Hindi honored for innovative work in consciousness development through comparative explorations of the Qur'an and quantum physics
2024-06-11 | Lissett B. Cain is recognized for her dedication to robotics and digital surgery