Press Releases by Date

«July 2013»

July 20, 2013

5 total news stories found.

Remanufactured Caterpillar Engine Sales Up 20% On National Power Supply

2013-07-20 | National Power Supply, a leader in diesel engine and generators boasts a 20% increase in Caterpillar Engines.

Addie Hogan Elected Partner at Pearl Law Group

2013-07-20 | Pearl Law Group, a global immigration firm based in San Francisco, today announced the election of Addie Hogan as a Partner of the firm.

Orange County Orthopedic Surgeon Applauds New Tennis Elbow Treatment

2013-07-20 | A new incision-free approach to treatment for tennis elbow could eliminate the need for surgery.

Josh Cote Suggests Merging Sales and Marketing to Improve ROI

2013-07-20 | Josh Cote, Managing Director of EA Worldwide Acquisitions suggests that companies must merge the marketing and sales functions of a business to improve ROI. This has lead to higher productivity and better results for their clients.

Woodbury Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Children's Dentist Mission with Flying Doctors of America: A Life Changing Medical Mission to Peru to Help Poor Children

2013-07-20 | Pediatric dentist Dr. Douglas Schildhaus of Woodbury Long Island joined Flying Doctors of America Team to help underprivileged children in Peru. During his stay, the team treated close to 1,000 people.